Devlog - 3-1-25 Mettaton Route Added (Commissioned by Rory)

Mettaton's route has been added to the game! The epilogue / bonus story content will be added at a later date. This route was commissioend by @Rory on discord through Kofi.  Below is the walkthrough.


  • Make sure to keep following the general main walkthrough to grab all essential items, otherwise you'll get the neutral ending.
  • Be on the friendship route when entering the City/Core area
  • Be bold!
  • At the end of the talk show (assuming you've been boldly flirting when able) follow the below choices:
  • "The sun?"
  • "But! He overcame it!"
  • Order the Razzle Dazzle / Order the Legendary Hero 
  • Ask all of the questions - when it comes to the idol if you say yes, then say "You want the experience" and if you say no then say "There's some things in life..."
  • Don't try to fake it. :) He can tell.
  • If you've succeeded on the date, he'll give you a pin & the ending screen will mention that he's thinking about you. 

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1 day ago


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This was everything I could have hoped for and more. Thank you so much Petal, your writing cooked and was absolutely phenomenal. -Rory