
Far left. (South West)

Begin Encounter.

Dance with Migosp.

Look away and Ignore Loox.

MERCY: Spare Loox & Migosp

Forward. (North)

Forward (North).

Left. (South West)

Smile sweetly at the monster. Compliment its eyes.

Compliment the monster's smile.

Compliment the monster's voice.


Forward. (West)

Left. (North West)

You smile at him. You tell him you only want to talk.

IF KINDNESS TRAIT OR PATIENCE: You keep smiling at Flowey. You tell him you want to be friends. - This is an instant dialogue win. Skip to “Leave”. 


You ask him if he's okay.

You insist you're asking out of concern, not mockery.

You teasingly reassure him that you can indeed find it in your saintly heart to forgive him.


Back. (North East)

Far end. (South)


You pick up the paper.

Go back out.

Forward (North).

Return to Asgore's home.

Keep Exploring.

Begin Encounter.

Spin around twice.

Sway side to side.

Move up and down and spin once.

MERCY: Accept the gold coin.

Forward. (South)

Yes. You go buy a candle from the flames. (this is the first requirement to meet Grillby)

Return to Asgore's home.

Flavor choices - choose what you want.

Hug Asgore.

Flavor choices - choose what you want.


Flavor choices - choose what you want.




Exit the fog. (obtain the key)






Exit the fog. (1st enc poppy & violet)





Pick it up.



Exit the fog.

Try to jump through.

Jump through again.

Meet Papyrus & Sans. Start their romances if you want. Once the encounter is done. . . 

Unlock the gate.

Explore this area.

Take the path going east.

Begin Encounter.

IF CREATIVITY TRAIT ACT: Gush over how cute Cinnamon is. You can tell she's a fellow creativie SOUL. - this is an instant victory. 


ACT: Do a cute pose.

ACT: Tie your scarf into a cute bow.

ACT: Dance with Cinnamon.

MERCY: Spare Cinnamon & Bunbun. 

Go back to the fog and explore.

Enter the fog.






Exit the fog.

Yes, approach Violet and Poppy.

Pick your flavor of choices. 

You escort both bunnies to the gate. 


You notice Whimsey further down the path.

Bob your head back at them.

Clap your hands.

Spin around thrice.

Visit the Shop.

Buy the stick.

You want to look around the outskirts for another note.

You notice Cinnamon further down the path.

Yes, you will deliver it. (this is the second requirement to meet Grillby as her bf works for him) 

Rest of your time in Snowdin can be spent doing whatever.


Choose your height, doesn’t matter.

Left (North East)

Go down the flower path (South)

You approach Flowey.

IF PATIENCE TRAIT You sit down beside Flowey and patiently smile at him. - this is an instant win for the dialogue and can skip to 


You’ll do your best! / Maybe so. However

Because the two of you are on the way to becoming best friends / Because. . . You can’t think of a reason

You want to be friends with the monsters / You want to get along with monsters. 

No. You want to keep all the notes you have. 

Return to the fork in the road. (South West) 

Left (North East)

Continue forward (East)

Sure. You want to swap stories with Mr. Riverra. 

Sweet = Short / Sad = Lore

You go over to Papyrus. 

Any choices here - doesn’t matter. If you do play along, he lets you into the Wishing Cavern.

Return to the fork in the road. (South West)

Right (South East)

Forced encounter with Aaron. Answers are: Queen Toriel → Yellow → Light knight & Dark prince → Your pick, if romancing choose them. 

Go down the stairs. 

Pick up the note. 

Follow the path. 

Ask Mettablook what he’s up to. 

Yes! How about the two of you do a duet? 

Leave and go back up the stairs. 

Cross the bridge.

Alphys encounter. Answers are: Duck → Back → Right → Left → Left → Scramble → Forward 

Try to save her. 

You are a good swimmer. This will be easy (can select not good, just don’t give up)

Return to the fork in the road (North West)

Left (North East)

Go down the flower path (South)

Chat with Sans

Return to the fork in the road. (South West)

Right (South East)

Go down the stairs. 

Follow the path. 

Approach the monster. 

Let the monster play with your hair or pet your head. 

Your choice. 

Return to the fork in the road (North West)


If you have done everything correctly you will see: You have 100% of the items that can be found up to this point! AND  You have all of the notes up to this point.

Really, the most important item (outside the notes) to survive is the stick. Cinnamon’s letter is for romancing, and the candle helps unlock extra encounters.


The only choice that matters here is to NEVER let go of your notes. Hold on to them at every chance. 

You will eventually get rid of a scene where you are told "You don't get a choice."

Wait 16 seconds on this passage

You shove the note in your pocket. You're keeping them.

Enter the lab. 

Route changes on if you're romancing WD or not.


Explore rooms 1-3 in any order, but save Door Four for last. 

Enter door four.

ACT: Try to talk to them down.

ACT: Dive forward.

ACT: Crawl behind

ACT: Run to the cage on the left.

ACT: Stay put

ACT: Run to the cage on the left

ACT: Stay put

ACT: Run to the last cage 

ACT: Stay put

ACT: Run for the stairs

Something grabs your ankles

ACT: Summon the stick

FIGHT: Stab the SOULs


Explore all the rooms for maximum dialogue. You are completely safe here.


The City will be a test of what you have collected / done.

IF you have Cinnamon's letter & the candle, you may meet with Grillby.

IF you have retained max friendship with Mettablook, you may meet with Napstatton (unless on Papyrus route, but you get alt scene instead).

IF you have created a friendship with Persona, you may meet with them. 

IF on any romance route, save the walk for last, as it locks you into the final part.


Toriel Encounter:

ACT: Weave right

ACT: Weave forward

ACT: Weave back

ACT: Duck

ACT: Roll left

ACT: Jump

ACT: Weave left

ACT: Weave right

ACT: Weave forward 

She means to kill you both, then.

The Queen is ready to rest. 

You know what you have to do. 

ACT: Think of wonder.

ACT: Think of forgiveness.

ACT: Think of the ones you've met.

ACT: You think of HOPE. 

You're in for the end now. 


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lol what's the book pass code XD


i cant find flowey again at the crystal cavern



which stairs??

lol the ones before u meet ghost mettaton, but i got it to work-

okay lmao


whats the passcooooooooddddeeee??

i think it might be xY07BB13Zf16 i havent checked yet, just a hunch


can someone please help with the redacted code and computer password?

i think one might be xY07BB13Zf16 i havent checked yet, just a hunch


the computer one is really xY07BB13Zf16


Hi! I've tried a few times to do this with the guide and I was wondering about 2 things:
-After escorting both bunnies to the gate,  I then am fought by Sans which you didn't mention, but I just want to confirm it doesn't affect anything? Or if so, how to avoid it?
-When I get to the section after I'm forced to throw the notes away [in Hotlands, after it says to wait 16 seconds], there is no option to pick up the notes after waiting

Thank you if you took the time to read through this! Love your games :]


Hi! I also got confused about the sans fight and it seems it is supposed to  be there. I won the fight and didn't surrender as suggested by the lovely Dino and continued playing Pap's route with no issue. 
The section you are supposed to wait on is the one where it tells you to drop them. Don't click on anything and if you scroll down after 16 sec you'll get the option to keep the notes. Do not throw them away!
hope this helps <3 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! Don't know what I did wrong, but I did all this with sans route and it worked, but when I followed this on my Papp route I got an accounter with Sans before Snowdin Town that isn't on here. tried again and the same thing happened is there a flavour choice that are no here that triggers it or something? Sorry if it is obvious! 

(1 edit)

hey! i was also doing the paps route and got this. i believe this is totally normal so don't worry about it! it's just not mentioned in this guide, petal probably forgot. <3 if you successfully complete the fight (and don't surrender), you can move on! 

Thank you! I'll try that now