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(3 edits)

clears throat

since i wrote a proper review for this game when i added it to my collections, im just gonna copy-paste it here w/a few tweaks to add more of my thoughts for anyone still playing the game and/or wanting to play it.

Only Sans and Gaster routes at the current moment - I have only played Gaster's route.

HIGHLY recommend using the walkthrough AND saving as often as possible, as one little mistake CAN and WILL mess up your ENTIRE run.

Past this point is a BIG ASS SPOILER WARNING. Continue at your own risk unless you have no intention of playing Gaster's route, or playing the game, or just want someone's honest opinion BEFORE you play, then continue on. :) 

 First off, with both Sans' and Gaster's romance routes, if you pick the correct options, you have an ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP with them, which I find extremely adorable! Friends to lovers isn't my usual trope, but when mixed in with high stakes and a horror theming, well, what is there not to love?

(Also your sister being your's and your love interest's biggest shipper is so funny it makes me cackle lolll) 

The character customization, as usual, is extremely diverse, which I love. The only thing you can't choose is your soul trait, as it is extremely vital to the story despite the fact you only learn of it ~halfway through the game. If you're reading everything (and depending on how fast you read) it should take ~20 minutes to learn of your soul trait: Kindness. The whole end-game of the story revolves around you being so kind you give up everything you have just to save everyone; friends (Undyne and Toriel), your family (your sister), those who worked at the lab (Bratty, Catty, Papyrus, Alphys, etc), your love interest (Sans or Gaster (and then eventually Papyrus too)), heck, you even try to save the Entity keeping the curse ALIVE. If that doesn't speak volumes about how kind you/MC is/are? Then I don't know what will tbh.

The interactions you end up having with Gaster too really delve deep into the fact that the two of you aren't just 'buds because he's your sister's boss', he ACTUALLY cares about you and has shown this care to you multiple times, which I find really charming. ;)

But yeah, I say if you have about ~an hour or two of your day and don't know how to spend it, this IF along with others made by Darkpetal16 is a good way to spend it. You will not regret it, no joke, no lie, no tomfoolery.

theres a bug after you resist the voice in the encounter or whatever where turning right doesnt work and gives the same thing as turning left

(1 edit)

Hello just wanted to ask if in all of the ifs the romanceable characters are always males or not

Even if i choose biology, I CAN'T GET TO THE TENTH FLOOR! I dont get any choise. Only thing I can do is to go back and call the police...


So I play the same guy for every IF I play. Mr.Vinny Winnow. It's established he copes with stress with loud as fuck music. I imagine him seeing his fried phone and pulling out a walkman. Never underestimate this mans audacity.


Was replaying this again and found a bug. Following the walkthrough so I know I'm doing things right. Trying for the Sans route, I picked astrophysics and legit can't get past the tenth floor. No matter what it makes me go back and call the cops. (Literally did all the same things but with biology and it worked fine.) 

(2 edits) (+7)


Not gonna lie, I don't think this would be added, but the curse or "Entity" of the curse got me feeling feelings when he said, "Every curse has a cure, and you are mine." I know he most likely never will be happy and alive but damn, I wish I could make the entity happy. Like can I keep this Entity alive, I don't have to romance him we can just be friends at eat food at Grillby's!!!! Preferably, I would like to romance him just because that line and his sad tone stole meh heart! ToT

Also, there is a writing mistake in Gastor's route, when you give your last light to Gastor it says, "As color returns to Sans," instead. But it's just a small thing.


no because i got stuck in the lab. genuinely. I know you're not supposed to call the police BUT WHAT ELSE COULD I DO????

I'd recommend using the walkthrough, really helped in my case :>


Don't ask me how I got the secret ending. I have no clue o.o

a secret ending?? how??

I really have no clue!!

what happened through it? is it like a sans or gaster's rout or `>` ?


! ! ! SPOILER ! ! !
I am not quite sure what I did, but its an ending where you manage to leave the mirror/dark world alone, without anyone else.

(1 edit) (+2)



Since i didnt pick i like sans or gaster, it says i'm on the papyrus route. So now i gotta wait, cant wait for the next update.

I meant non-romantic friendship rout


I don't have the "You are stupidly, one-sidedly in love with him." for some reason  


Nevermind i found it lmfao


(By that i mean i re-did the whole route with a video to help ;_;)

I would love it if you could tell me which video you watched because I'm having the exact same problem help please

I watched TwinklePhoenix's video ^^

nice owo/) also hello peeps

the jump down option isn't appearing even though i trusted the entity 3 times?

yeah, basically you have to get the secret ending once then restart, it will be available after that

thanks! :D

Hello!! New player here!! Just wanted to tell you that in the Wingding route, when your pour out the last colors of your soul into Gaster, instead of Gaster's name being in there, it's Sans' name. Also I really love your games and I hope you can keep up the good work!!! Each and every single one of them is wonderful!!

It is I, funny typo person, rising from the grave once again to play another one of your wonderful games (I cannot fall asleep and I have uni tomorrow help me)

- "There's so much good you think you can do.", "...home made mac' n' cheese here you come." I think it's supposed to be either homemade or home-made? I'm not quite sure, though. Funny second language stuff.

- "Everything is completely authentic." (That's a multiple choice thingy), "You wait a little bit more before you send more messenges." Messages instead of messenges.

- "The laboratory is named Carpe Diem.", "...but inside it's magnificant." Magnificent instead of magnificant.

- "Pristine white floors shine under flourescent lights." Fluorescent instead of flourescent. Same typo is repeated in "This is the common area.", "It's a long, carpeted area with big...·

- "It's unnaturally chilly.", "If you go left, you'll reach arrive..." Repetitive, it should be either reach or arrive I think?

- "The table is long and riddled with metalic devices..." Metallic instead of metalic. On the same page, "When the charge is produced..." check the "The particles produce weakly interact" line's wording and the indiciating typo at the end of the paragraph.

- Couldn't see my soul in the last part of the maze, for some reason. D:

- "Hands. Paws. Tentacles. WIngs." Random capitalized 'I'.

- "You stand in a world of broken glass...·, "you begin to walk across the crstayl path." Crystal instead of crstayl. (What happened there?? lmao)

- "You are a fool," says the entity.", "It echoes and bounces in the darkness, a low gurttal." (I don't even know what that typo was supposed to be help)

As always, thank you so much for the game. Absolutely loved the amount of variety in terms of choices and culture. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

i’ve completed every walkthrough i can find to try and get the sans route and i’ve made it onto it (i think) like i’ll answer the one sided crush thing and i’ll get the prototype yet it only gives me the option to call the police. i’ve tried restarting and stuff around 3 times. i’ve tried changing up certain answers. plz help 😭 is there anything more i can do to get the sans route? 

also this is my first time coming across one of your games and lemme just say, i’m addicted. great job! 

edit: omg i completed it!! so basically i just had to pick the option requiring me to leave behind the prototype in order for it to work. omg i was in tears by the end of it. i definitely didn’t expect it to suddenly get so deep. i’d play again literally any day!!

Deleted 232 days ago

THIS WAS SOOOO AMAZING!!! Thanks again author for another wonderful story!!


Gnawing at the bars of my enclosure-


Screaming, and foaming at the mouth right now. I LOVE ALL YOUR WORKSSSSSS. thank you for sharing your stories with the rest of us <3

I love all of your games! 

(1 edit)

Hey, I wanted to let you know about these:

1. chosing house + backpack leads to a mess when hovering the mouse over the word 'reach' right below the word 'house'. I cannot hover and screenshot it but it looks very wrong

2. Typo in 'maintaining good grades' - currently spells: maintaing

- ofc I got to a bad ending :') Thats typical. Anyways, I was kinda happy I could chose 'play with your hair' cause that is a tick I am having IRL for all my life. I can not not touch my hair. 

:0 we chose the same exact options! also-, sorry if I'm being a bother but do you have a clue on how to get past the part of the receptionist desk? the only thing I'm getting is the bad ending #1-

I don't remember it out of my head, I would need to replay it. Once I do I will let you know :x

I'm looking through the comments for an answer to this right now! I also chose play with your hair lol :>


I love these games but the truth is I would really like to play them in Spanish

(1 edit)

i keep getting stuck on floor 10 the only option i have is to call the police :( I followed the steps


Make sure to not brought the paper on the early floor Dear, read the second talebook in the house(before going to lab), carry bag and fill it with flashlight(on early lab's floor(, something on the fifth floor at beep beep/mechanics sound, and prototype(at Sans' office). Don't forget to trust the entity 3 times. That's what i know, enjoy the game🙂.

Thank you!

(1 edit)



Could someone help? I'm stuck at the scene that i supposedly should jump to manage to continue the route :(

but the option isn't appearing

(1 edit)

Try loading another save before that scene, preferably the one where "wingding" is with you and then follow the walkthrough. (I think you have to trust the entity 3 times to proceed.)

THANKS! it was quite hard to find all secret messages


Loved this game so much i will say I was surprised that I ended up even the entity how dare you XD already finished all the routes and endings but here we are the first episode next episode will be up today. 


My heart. Was. Not. Prepared.

I loved this so much, it was so beautiful and haunting and sweet. I want to wrap it around me like a blanket. I want to LIVE in it. 

Also, big fan of your VA. They have a knack for voicing each brother in a way that makes them clearly distinguishable and also fits them perfectly.

Also, you're amazing. Well done. 


..Saaaaans..~ wahhhhhh


Played through both routes that are out, and it was truly enjoyable. It was a surprise and delight hearing voice acting for San's and Gaster...I can only imagine the silly delight of Papyrus voice acting and can't wait to hear him. One thing I noticed, I don't know if this is just me but near the end right before facing the final fellow, the image for the soul did not load not until it was hollow. Also got surprised with Gaster talked normally at the end of his route then signing either way had a blast playing!


I need help, I'm on the sans route and every time I'm in the mirror scene I only get the option to call the police and I'm doing all the steps
I'm suffering

(sorry for my bad english)



Every time I see you on my feed, I get so excited because I know I'm about to end up playing this game nonstop until I have seen 100% of the content. This game was just as amazing as all the other ones and I loved it so much!!

DarkPetal...I Love You!<3 you are the best!!

Another absolute banger:)


English is not my first language, sorry if there is mispelling

Ok for those stuck with "the friendship/non romantic..." message with Sans route, here what I did:

-Follow the walkthrough

(Note: it also didn't work the first time I tried so I decided to change some choice that are not in the walkthrough, I don't know which ones trigger have all of them :/) 

-At home:She always returns the favor anyway. When things get stressful for you, she'll pick up your favorite treat from Grillby's and do your laundry while you relax.

-You make sure to pick up food from Grillby's before you head over.(I know this is in the walkthrough but I put it there in case some get confused)

-Gaster:He's is absolute legend in his field, you had nothing but respect for him.

But then you got to meet him.

He's nice enough. You're happy for your sister.

-Papyrus:He's a diligent monster, and you don't want to get in him in trouble by entering without permission, but. . .

-2nd floor:You want to explore this floor further.(still in walkthrought but just in case)

-You can pick one of those choice:Fear momentarily paralysizes you./Your stomach lurches in anxiety, uncomfortable by what you saw.

-Keep exploring

-Sans:You are stupidly, one-sidedly in love with him.(If you see that choice then congratulation you are in Sansroute)

-before reading the chat:Your heart thumps in your chest as you read the messages between your sister and Sans.ATTENTION !!! if you not see that choice specifically then you miss something

This is the longest post I have ever made XD I hope this can help some of you, and that you could understand what I write

YOU ARE A LIFESAVER!!! I was getting stuck on the friendship screen so many times that i nearly threw my computer out the window. Thank you!


Happy to have helped ^^

Another absolute banger! This was really fun and cute :] I'll be patiently waiting for the next update.

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