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I'm having a bit of trouble in chapter 7, no matter what I do, Dr Rose always kills me. I've followed all the tips people has left in the comments, but it always ends in the same way. Idk what else I can do. I remember I stayed at home un chapter 5 and I went with Asriel and Chara in chapter 6, but nothing changes, I've seen that I should investigate Mr Scott apartment but I never get that choice. I'm in Sans route, anybody has some tips? I want to see what happens without dying ;-;


When you are at the part where you have to buy a pillow, choose to stay at home first, then you get the option to check up on Mr.scott, and you should get the option to go check in his apartment right before your run.

that's on chapter 5 right? I have to go back? Damn, the choices really matter, I love it, thanks for the help.

After the date with Sans, did you go to the swan park with Ralsei/Asriel?

yeah, I did

And in chapter 5 (after you bought the pillow and stayed home) did it trigger to visit Mr. Scott?

I remember I did and I got the clues, I could see the clues in the list I have, maybe I just have to go back again, I haven't played since a week so I might be wrong...? Idk, but I'll go back still

Ok, if you want I can go back and track my choices?

 I'm honestly super excited for when more updates/chapters are uploaded. I am already pretty interested in this game compared to many I have seen here (No hate to them). Nevertheless, keep up this rad game, honestly. <3 


is there a walkthrough as I've gotten killed and I don't know how many clues there are on chapter six 

(1 edit) (+1)

how do i not die in chapter 7? I am doing the sans route and after i escape to bar i get grabed by DR rose and I die but i don't know how to get passed it can someone help please

EDIT I manged to do at last and i don't know how i did it lol

Hello, i am also stuck on that chapter, if you come to remember how you passed it i would greatly appreciate some help 😅

(PS : English isn't my first language, sorry if my vocabulary isn't perfect)


Ok I've tried about 6 times and I can't get past this. If I follow all of the clues then Gaster kills me because I didn't go get a stupid pillow, but if I do get the pillow instead of going to Daisy's shop then I get killed by Rose. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. i follow every clue given in the comments and it's always either Gaster or Dr. Rose killing me.

I love this game but I'm getting so frustrated. How on earth do I survive past CH 6 and 7?????? I just wanted to romance a skeleton ;-;

(1 edit)

Maybe try to get all of the clues, get the pillow and avoid visiting Daisy for the second time?

After all its only necessary to visit Daisy one time, only to get the clue about doctor rose.

Also make sure you check up and visit before your run to mr.scott's apartment, and talk to Edward to be able to go to the next chapter.

I did that. i went to Daisy's the first time and went to get the pillow the second time, but then Rose still killed me. I didn't even get the option to go to the apartment before my run despite following all the other instructions. Maybe my game just glitched or something.

Try to first check up on mr.scott before buying the pillow

(1 edit)

I did that too :3 Again, I think maybe I was just too tired or my game glitched. I'll give it a couple of days and try again. I'm sure my pc is just messing with me. It's an old pc and it does glitch at times. Probably a problem on my end.

i don't think so cause i'm going through the same thing i'm stuckkk and sadd ;(

Deleted 1 year ago

bro i love Asriel

This game has been out for only a few months yet there is so much quality content !

As an aspiring writer I must say I really admire your dedication !

I really love what you did with the nightmare sequences, your use of fonts and the "animated" text, and how you incorporated choices in a very organic way. This has to be the best and most creative use of twine i've seen on this website !

Keep up the good work <3 and thanks for this amazingly immersive story


ROs freaking hawties, keep replaying so many times 😩🥰

(1 edit) (+3)

My, oh my, I felt being spoilt in this game you created. I am on the Winding Route. It's making me want to draw a fanart for some particular scene on your game!

Note : I am not really good at English. I might write something wrong. I never meant to offend anyone or you! 

(1 edit) (+13)

Alright so! MAJOR SPOILERS (as we will be starting from the start of gathering clues all the way to the latest) but allow me to help guide with the undeniable fact that we all have a hard time trying to find all the clues and keep getting the obsessive Doctor Rose in our ass (well for me personally...). Also that I rejoiced tears of pure happiness when I finally didn't have to see Doctor Rose's stupid mask.

NOTE: Important thing to mention is that I was playing in Asriel's romantic route, therefore some of my decisions are based on that. If you either play a different RO's route or the friendship route, do try to experiment around for the RO's romantic route and maybe investigate the different clues.

Chapter 3

  • During the gunshoot scene, move to go to the window.
  • Go to the man that's kneeling to comfort him.
  • When you have time before you go to work, go visit Daisy.
  • Then, go treat yourself for a nice lunch.

Chapter 4

  • Go for a run at night time.
  • Then, linger and assess.
  • Visit the swan park during the "date" or maybe guide segment (I dunno if it's available for all since I'm playing exclusively for Asriel but I assume it has to be!)

Chapter 5

  • THIS IS IMPORTANT! Buy a new pillow so Gaster won't kill your ass.
  • Then relax at home, also VERY IMPORTANT as it unlocks clues that Mr. Scott can give us.
  • Decide to check up on him, poor man is not only feeding us information but also going through grief.
  • This segment is where you continuously pry for information, and since Gaster won't woop yo ass you'll get to live another day and NOT experience Bad Ending 3 (am I still bitter?? Hell yes!)

Chapter 6

  • I'm not sure if this is necessary (since I'm on the Asriel route) but since this connects to another key part, if Asriel invites you to go to the movies with him and Chara, go so you can be acquainted with Chara early on. (Again, I'm not sure if this is exclusive or not but I have died like... more than 3 times at this point from either GASTER or DOCTOR FUCKING ROSE so I am traumatized.)
  • Also if you're on that route, just praise the chocolate lords so Chara be like "Yes, this is my best friend/partner, Asriel go find your own".
  • Stay when you find out that the Black Swan is not technically short staffed.
  • When Chara and Asriel ask you about your brother, answer honestly.
  • When they ask if they could help you, choose to leave with them.

Chapter 7

  • If done properly, you should have the option to check on Mr. Scott's apartment before or after (if not, go back to the beginning or as where I did, whether you want a friendship or romantic route) for me I chose before the morning run.
  • Step inside and investigate wherein you will meet with Edward.
  • Upon entering, you will try to connect the clues but choose the "maybe they're all connected" option.
  • Now here you'll meet Edward wherein you will lie and butter up to him (in the first choice to get him to be interested in you) so choose to call them to wait. I can provide a detail explanation but if you wanna try by yourself, just know that Edward apparently wants lies where Mr. Scott actually liked him even though it was obvious he hated him and he'll open up about the Dreamless Beast.
  • Here is a more condensed guide if you just don't want to take chances: Compliment watch, father must be proud, Mr. Scott must have adored you, and Mr. Scott looking forward to your visits.
  • AND FINALLY! If you were able to get the ending where you were able to ask "someone" (I'm not sure if it's automatically Asriel or if it can be anyone else) for help then congrats amigo! You passed the death sequences!!

I am finally free... I hope this helped ya'll! And also I just wanted to say HOLY FUCK THAT WAS INTENSE I ABSOLUTELY ADORED IT!!!

NOTE: I think a sign that says that you're on the Doctor Rose Bastard Bad Ending is when you recieve a bouquet of yellow roses by your door coupled with a cheesy poem (from my experience). If that happens, quickly go back on your save file annd go. I think the ways you can trigger it (in my experience) is if you set your favorite flower as yellow roses, painting a picture of your yellow roses, and instead of going to the swan park, you go to another dessert shop and witness the crime scene of Doctor Rose Bastard. Maybe that's why he's so obsessed with you?

Either way, as long as you avoid them, maybe you won't get his bad endings when you get incomplete clues or not enough affection with your intended RO's. Goodluck, soldiers o7

(3 edits)

oof I literally did all that but Sans just kills me for leaving with Ralsei and Chara in chapter 6 and idk how to avoid that- (I'm on the sans route)

Hmm I'm not too sure as well because I did saw a comment talking about how Sans would kill them for going out with Ralsei and Chara, have you tried staying a second time in the bar before moving on?

(1 edit)

Yep, I did. And then I got killed by doctor Rose after doing that qwq

Did you by any chance decided to take it slow with sans?

(1 edit)

Well, after your comment I did try picking that option, but that still doesn't do anything significant.. he still kills me 

(1 edit) (+1)

Sans only kidnaps you if you don't return his affections on the date. You know you're on the good path with him if your first dessert option hanging out with Ralsei is a cinnamon pretzel. 

I love how niche that is-- cinnamon pretzel saves the Sans route!

(1 edit)

Omg yes I finally got past him! Tyy!! ^^

the cinnamon pretzel is probably because when you ask him about his favourite dessert he says that its cin-pretzel! very nice detail

Maybe your affection with Sans is still low or you're missing some options? You might want to save religiously and fuck around and find out at this point :')))

(3 edits)

Yep I did just that, I hadn't chosen the cinnamon pretzels in the dessert options, so he killed me for it, lol


I really appreciate you making this. (: Was reluctant to do a big guide since this is a mystery~~~ so very happy to see this made!

No problem! Though it is kinda biased since I'm on the Asriel route so I'm not sure if it can be helpful to peeps who are on different routes themselves, but maybe it can give them an idea of what to expect?

Either way, absolutely looking forward to this unravelling mystery! But also at the same time, good luck friend having to write all of these threads around :'))) !!

I'm still being killed by the goofy rose bastard but i followed all your steps, help?

Okay, so important question is if you're in a romantic route that isn't Asriel or in the friendship route, because some of my steps are from my experience while I was playing in Asriel's route. I'm unsure how you can trigger Rose Bastard but I think it's because for my character, I had it put that her favorite rose was yellow rose and she painted a picture of her yellow roses, and if somewhere in Chapter 4 (I think) you receive a bouquet of yellow roses with a cheesy poem, that means you're gunning for Rose Bastard's bad ending and that you must have missed either a clue or a romantic trigger with your chosen love interest (again, I'm unsure regarding the friendship route, maybe it's all about clues instead?) I hope this has helped in triggering your deductive senses, just save liberally and have some patience (that or you can rage quit without hurting yourself to relieve the stress)!

does picking the yellow flower as your favorite have something to do with doctor rose killing you?

Hello! I'm not too sure entirely but I think if you pick too many choices that coincide with Doctor Rose's motive or method of killing, then he'll be interested in you and hunt you down if you don't gather clues or raise your affection with your chosen LI. It's all just speculation lmao


THANK YOU SM literally this was the comment that rlly helped me bc when i first played through i didn't even know who edward was and was so confused

No problem! I understand that it can get really confusing especially with the mysterious factors and how easy it can get a bad ending if you're not careful. But now that you know the way to complete the story I highly recommend you replay the story and take your time reading it since it's genuinely so cool! Let's wish all of ourselves luck for the next update AHAHAHH

Definitely gonna replay now that Ik what to do! This game is so thought out it makes me want to play through every route just to read it

good as always, iv been sick so i havent been playing, love it.

I keep on dying at chapter 7 when the window smashes at the bar when I'm with the detective, I tried each and over one of the options, why? I'm seriously invested and this confuses me, great game though! I throughly enjoy the experience and I wish to play more! c:

You should try leaving with ralsei and chara the second time you get the option to stay or leave. That might help!


I got killed by dr rose, is there a way to avoid that?

Get all the clues and make sure you go with Ralsei and Chara

(1 edit)

Romancing Wingding is a trip ya'll. As usual. 1000/10 update. I wait with baited breath for the next one.

I got all the clues but I still got the void ending?? Help 😭

i just meta-gamed my way to the ending but idc i needed the lore *-*


Darkpetal, are you overworking? You did so many updates! Please take a rest from time to time

Commenting a bit later than usual! Been a bit busy with college related stuff D: As always, thank you so much for the new chapter.

Typos I found for chapter seven:

- "You adjust your cap and walk across the street.", friend instead of frend in "Frend of the family."

- "You are not detective." There should be an "a" between are and not.

- "The air in the Black Swan feels darker than normal.", "It's scary," Last sentence on that line has an extra quotation mark.

- Page starts with "It's evening, and by the time Detective Peterson leads you to a dinner, it's dark outside." I think it should be diner instead of dinner, but again, english is not my first language so I'm not sure. D:

- On the same page, there should be a comma in "What did you see Robert?" I think??

- Page starts with what the MC chose to be their giveaway that danger is near. (In my case, it's "You feel the hairs on the back of your neck raise.") Paragraph starts with "Glassy eyes of dead patrons stare at you.", diner has extra n.

- "Quiet." Paragraph starts with "You move into his booth", not instead of nto.

I also ran into a little issue?? Every time there was a noun related to my gender, like miss, for example, a little dollar sign would pop up at its left. Not sure if it's just me.

Keep up the good work! It's always such a pleasure to find a new chapter posted, and your incredible writing always makes me really get into the story. Again, thank you so much. :)

I'm having a hard time on getting the option to investigate the old man's apartment. I did open up to chara and asriel about Lawrence and went with them. I only got this much clues. Can someone help me? 

(2 edits) (+1)

you probably missed the same thing I did in chapter 5 as soon as you get the option to stay home on do so you will then get to go check on Mr Scott if you have done this option already. Then you probably missed something else. 


my brother missing, there was a shootout outside my apartment, doctor rose is back, i almost died to drunk mafioso's somebody sent me a head in a box, i wanna have a food fight with two skeletons 10/10 


to anyone who's struggling to get past doctor rose and listened to the comments, i found out that i needed to leave with chara and asriel when i opened up to them about lawrence (chapter 6). after that, you'll be able to investigate the old man who lost his son's apartment, you need to also choose the choice that says ”maybe they're all connected” to be able to talk to edward blind.

‘petal16 your work is the most beautiful I’ve ever read in my life,I am glad that I was the very first to have commented on this game back then :)

(For those that don’t believe me,scroll all the way down to the very first comment.

Or don‘t, I cannot force you)

(1 edit) (+1)

i keep dying:( i believe got everything except for the option to  talk to edwards. in what chapter do you talk with him?

chapter 6 ig?

Deleted 1 year ago

Go shopping for the pillow and then choose stay home. This worked for me

Guys I hope this helps. Everything that was written here is true, but there is one more thing. In the selection with a flower girl, hobby and food, you need to choose a flower girl and go to eat. If at the end of chapter 6 you had a nightmare about your brother, then you did everything right and you will have the opportunity to inspect the apartment before jogging at the beginning of chapter 7.


So if anyone is STILL having any problems with Doc.Rose these are the things I did in order to avoid him.

1. It’s already been put in the comments section so I’m not going to type it again but like so many people have said, you NEED to find all the clues and the comment below mine is exactly what you do.

2. Now I don’t know if this is the choice you HAVE to make but what I did for chapter 6, when Papyrus asks us to stay at the restaurant was when the first choice of either leaving or staying appears, click on stay. Then when you get the choice of leaving or staying a second time, click leave. Ralsei and Chara will come with you.

3.Once I did this I managed to get the choice of visiting the apartment of Mr.Scott again. The choice visit him after or before your morning run appears, click BEFORE.

Again I don’t know if you have to do these choices but these are the ones that work for me. Goodluck!

(5 edits) (+9)
For the peeps who has a hard time finding the clues.

1. Investigate the shooting by checking the window

You'll need to help the sobbing man in order to continue to the next scene or else Gaster takes his place on the doorstep and kills you...)

2. Visit the swan park.

3. Go on the run at night.

4. Talk to the Florist Daisy.

5. Relax at home and decide whether to visit Mister Scott.

6. Ask Mister Scott questions when you visit his home. ( Pry and don't change the topic.)

7. Investigate the apartment before your morning run, meet Edward Blind, and gather information about the deathless beast by charming him with lies.


thank you KAL


thank you very much, it really helped me


dont mind me just writing this down on my arm


I frickin love this writing AAAAAAAA

so good


i havent even met the doctor so all the comments are making me laugh
im so hyped
MC is meant to be a detective just like their brother, i love this so much. Thank you for continuing!!


Although I‘m glad that you managed to avoid him,will you please quit rubbing it in everyone’s face?

It‘s just toxic,ya know?


I literally only made one comment? And I was just excited, I wasn't being toxic. I met the doctor on my other routes when i played them after i commented. 

I laughed with people, not at them. And I didn't rub it in anyone's face by saying I got a different ending? 

The fact that people got mad over my comment is mind-boggling. 


I‘m not mad,I just misunderstood the comment. I’m sorry if my response offended you :(


it's fine. I understand reading tone through text can be difficult, I've been there. I just genuinely wasn't trying to rub anything in anyone's face. I was just excited.

How do I get the option to investigate the man's apartment so I don't die from doc rose

(1 edit) (+3)


Dude i died twice. So after the shooting you go to the window and investigate. Then the next day you will see the old man in the street you speak to him, then on the day you have off you choose to relax and go visit the old man and ask him all the questions about his son, then you need to go visit him again before your run and butter the hell out of edward until he talks to you about the beast then and only then u dont die. I just saw tht myself. U also needed to visit swan lake with rasiel, visit daisy the first time. And running in the park seeing those sketchy guys. I think thats all the clues. You will know once you get edward to talk about taking ronnie to the beast. Until you see tht in nr scotts apartment you will still die by the good doc. Hope tht helps everyone!


Oh dear, Doc. Rose shows up??? That's going to be a pain to deal with... 😔

Hey don‘t worry!It‘ll be okay!

We were able to come out alive,no matter the situation,like when we ran away with Lawrence from dad or when we were chased by those drunk mafiosos!Doctor Rose will be tricky to deal with,sure,BUT!We got something he‘ll never have!Our powerful souls intuition and the determination to keep on living no matter how much it hurts!We promised Lawrence that we‘d keep us safe and we WILL uphold that promise!

Everything will be just alright!

I promise 

I still died. can you make a video please?   


I cant with the doctor man

I tried Changing my flower and ignored the old man but i can't 


tbh Doctor Rose is kinda yandere,like— those bouquets and poems were cute and all but how he called us his love and wouldn’t let go was creepy


So true, i wonder who's doctor rose hmmmmm


i dunno,we‘ll just have to figure it out!

Is it Normal for all of my saves to just be gone or am i special?


You're not alone, I saved my characters to my computer for safe keeping and now it doesn't recognize my files :< looks like it's time to start over


aww dude that sucks so much. I don't usually mind restarting if it's just like a demo bt christ 7 chapters.. guess we have little choice. Good luck ♥️

Yeah I'm feeling the same right now, but I really enjoy these cyoa so it's just how it's gonna have to be :") good luck to you! This little interaction actually made me feel better about it so thank you haha

You are so welcome. I'm so glad. I hope you can breeze through I did. And it was actually so worth it. Seeing the different reactions by the ROs in chapter 7. Hope you have like the best day tho 😇💜

How do u get past the doctor??

I don't know how to get past doc. Rose

I've done everything I can and done everything people told me to do in the comments, but I can't get past doctor rose. Please help me!


bro i can not figure out how to get past doctor rose omg

how do you find all the clues please I need help 


 You have to get the one from your window, the shootings. Another one from swan park. Another one by running at night. Another one by talking to the flower lady the first time. Another by spending time relaxing and talking to the guy whom lost his sun, bully the answers from him. I think that's all the clues. Then you investigate the mans appartment before your run, and click it's all connected. Butter up the man that comes in and boom, done. 

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