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Toriel steps away before the climax reaches, a small, awkward smile on her face. "While not flawless. . . it is. . ." She struggles for the right words. ". . . passable."





Wow ❤️ Absolutely loved this!!

Tbh, battling Toriel was real difficult cuz of the glitch but I really enjoyed all of them. 

I love that the mc is mute and uses sign language, the way you've implemented it into this IF feels smooth

Also, I'm totally looking forward to meeting whoever mc has forgotten.

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hi! this might seem silly, but how do you “help” toriel? I would normally play with a walkthrough in hands but i’m quite confused about what i’ve missed since this doesn’t have one yet.

pls someone explain HOWWWW I pass toriel.

I legit clicked all the notes on TIIIME

(1 edit) (+1)

when two notes appear on the same timeframe, just click the one below and ignore the upper one if you hadn’t pressed it yet! It’s a duplicate :]

Just played the latest update and I gotta say…you fought dirty with the music choice for Papyrus’s battle. I had to physically restrain myself from singing the lyrics. Well played. 👏🏾


what is a memory fragment and how do u obtain one in ch 2 </3

ı think before Papyrus makes you jump across to progress you get a little flashback and it goes away before you can read it. but you can just go back by pressing the arrow on the left and after you read that fast skipping part you will see there is an option to choose at the end of it

also forgot to say when that memory flashback starts happening the music will change to a special theme depending on who's route you are doing.


I can't pass Toriel idk why 😪


when 2 notes appear you dont have to press the one on top. thats a note you already pressed :c

Thank you 🤍

you r welcome 🤍



It took me WAY TOO LONG to finally win against Dogressa man those dogs humbled me so bad lmao 😭 amazing game as usual tho. It was worth all my tears to get past the card game

I really wanna join the discord but the link is expired is there any other way I can join? :(

I gave the Snowman the carrot, but it doesn't say I received the candy... Am I missing something or do you get it, and it doesn't tell you? ALSO, where is the second dog treat :(

(1 edit)

The snowman? You get the candy near the end of the Chapter

The dog treat? Go to INN first -> put the blanket on the bunny. Then go to SHOP -> Violet gives ya freebie to choose from her shop = choose dog treat 👍

In the fights there are times when it will show to different music notes I need to press, is this a glitch or if it is not a glitch is there any particular order/way I need to press the notes?

Like a second row note appearing after the first row? After the first row has already been pressed, you don't need to do the first row again when the second row appears

Unless you mean after the note you pressed, it switches to another one you need to press? Then no there's no particular order you need to do, just make sure you pay attention to what note comes next after so you know what to press next.

How do I get to the next chapter?? I passed all the battles with a flawless grade, smelled like vanilla, got all the candies, and ate Papyrus's spaghetti. What am I doing wrong?? 😭

How do you smell like vanilla?

When you are exploring Toriel's house you gotta enter the bathroom repeatedly until it tells you that you smell like vanilla. After that, you wont have the option to go back to the bathroom. :)


the 3rd chapter isn’t available yet

Thanks :D

Okay I didn't check the songs when I went to play chapter two. So Papyrus having El Tango Del Roxanne caught me off guard and I fucked up cause I was more focused on singing the song than I was to the fight. But oml that would've been an amazing soulmate song- You go to fight him, "WHY DOES MY HEART CRY!? FEELINGS I CAN'T FIGHT. You're free to leave me, but just don't deceive me. And please, believe me when I say I love you."

does anyone know how to get all the candies? i'm able to get the ones from the snowman and playing the game with the dogs but i've just been missing one last one! ^^


you have to go back to the bathroom repeatedly to smell like vanilla, and then knock on the door that you could normally knock on a billion times.

thank you sm!!

how do i get past papyrus😢

what is that puzzle, im normally good at those grid puzzles but i dont know where north, south, west, and east are. where am i facing??

I thought this too lol but really you're thinking too hard on it. Ignore the nesw and look at the up, down, right, left. If you want the character to go up, you choose up. And it's from YOUR (The players) Perspective. Not the character in the game. So again, if you want your MC to move down from where you know they are, you choose down. If you need help, i can tell you how to get past.

i spammed the buttons and got past but didn't understand it anyway

does anyone know how to get past l.d (lesser dog)?

for the normal notes, hit them once; for the orange notes, hit them twice!

Thank you!!


i can't continue, i'm stuck with toriel and i have no idea why??? try clicking fast, missed a little but still not passing :'(( helppp


when there are two notes on the page, it just wants you to click one. the note above is the one you already clicked. hope this helps


oh my goodness!!! you are a gracious saviorrr!!! thank you so muchhhh!!! finally passed the dance battle <3333

I cant get to the other chapters and it always says i smell of nothing how do i change that

Never mind on the smell thing but i still cant progress and i saw that Darkpetal16 said their are other chapters has anybody found them?

I'm desperately trying to figure this out, too 😭

It's in Toriel house, go to the bathroom (Be sure to check all of the thing you can press) and go in and go out a bunch of time until it tells you that you now smell like vanilla, hope this help you

I can't get pass toriel and the link for discord is not working. can there be a video of it for help pls and thank you

when there are two notes on the page, it just wants you to click one. the note above is the one you already clicked. hope this helps

I don’t think the discord link works but how the heck do the battles work on mobile I need help lol


I got a flawless fight with Toriel on the second try 👹


didn't understand the mechanics of the fight, but as soon as i realized that the 2 parts weren't separate from the singulars (i know i worded that weird lol) i got flawless on my first attempt (of knowing how to actually do it that is)! other than that, this is amazing and i love it so much!

Is it only one chapter or is there a secret second one that I can find TvT

Will goatdad be a romance route in any future AU games? (I do love the usual available characters, just curious)

I'm so happy you made another game! It's practically perfect, I love it already. I did notice some bugs though like the locket is always in the nightstand even when you already took it or that when in the scene where you can pick your prosthetic color it seems to only acknowledge the right leg even when you have both prosthetic legs. And when it talks about the ballet shoes it only talks about the left one. 

I really like the game though, it's cute!

There's also this one which doesn't have a passage

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Toriel was hard to beatttt T^T also good to see you back, Darkpetal! I found your games a few months ago and have been loving the storylines ever since, hope you have the best luck ever this year! edit: I GOT FLAWLESS ON TORIEL FINALLY!!


So excited to see you back!


Wb, love your new story and plz mafiafell I'm addicted 😭❤️😍.


there is a scene in a memory where I can't proceed because every time I tap the blue text the music menu comes up. I also tried to change the font size luke I saw in a comment but it didn't work. Does anyone have any advice? 


OMG I figured out the battle mechanic!!! I tried what others said and I either did okay enough to pass through or failed so bad Tori yeeted me through the mirror. But clicking the first note BEFORE the second one would appear got me a flawless. You DO have to hit both notes, you just have to make sure you hit the first one before the second shows up. 

huh?? can you please  explain i keep trying to beat her bbut she keeps saying im doing something wrong

Honestly it's just clicking the right note fast. You have to click the correct first note before the second one pops up whatsoever. Then click the correct one there. If the secondary one shows up before you click the first one, you missed the window to do so and it's missed and/or incorrect. Don't let the second note appear after the first without clicking the corresponding correct note to the first that appeared. 

Helpful tip if using keyboard and mouse, move off the notes between clicking. I ended up messing one try up by a single note cause it thought I was still on the top row note instead of the second row note.

huh, well then it might be a problem with my mouse then because i swear i clicked everything right. If only i could confirm if i pressed a button or not

Dance your way to victory. . . or face a fate worse than death. - When it said that i almost thought the end bit would be ' Or take a dance with death.' lolol


if you died that wouldn’t be so bad, but it’s instead forcing you into an ✨awkward ✨ ending and according to discord that’s worse than death. 


YOU'RE BACK?!?!? Omg i thought you were gone... btw mafiafell is dead in a ditch plz update😭


dead in the ditch like your patience? 😭


I already love this game, the only confusing part was the battle but otherwise it's amazing


thank you!! It felt nice to switch up the battle mechanics. 


and you did really well! I really hope this type of style continues (no pressure though) and I also love the detail to the ballet attire options, as someone that has once done ballet I appreciate this <3

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